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Privileged Access Management

Why is PAM important?


Privileged accounts exist everywhere. There are many types of privileged accounts and they can exist on-premises and in the cloud. They differ from other accounts in that they have elevated levels of permissions, such as the ability to change settings for large groups of users. Also, often multiple people may have access to a specific privileged account, at least on a temporary basis.


For example, the root account on a Linux machine is a form of privileged account. An account owner for Amazon Web Services (AWS) is another form of privileged account. A corporate account for the official company Twitter profile is yet another form.


Privileged accounts present a serious risk. Cyber criminals are more interested in stealing credentials for privileged accounts than any other type of account. Thus, they present a challenge for IT departments.



Traditionally, access to these accounts has not been well managed, despite the high risk of large damage if such accounts are compromised. Common issues include many people using the same account with no clear history or accountability, and static passwords that are never changed.

PAM solutions aim to address these risks.


Please reach out to us to know more about PAM

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